IPSB (The Institute for Psycho Structural Balancing) offers an incredible massage therapy education. I am so grateful I ended up at this at this school, and for the life changing-experiences I had while attending.
The Institute for Psycho Structural Balancing is great because they teach a concrete (physical world) western-science based curriculum, such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, body mechanics, massage technique, etc., perfectly balanced with teachings about the energetic/psychic body. This dual approach to the material allows the student to make strong connections between the two modalities.
I feel that by learning both physical and non-physical realities of the body, it makes the massage that I do more well-rounded and allows me to facilitate healing in a more holistic way, on a variety of levels.
I also feel that the way the teachings were presented has made for more physical enjoyment during the massage for the client. During training, the staff hinted that ‘there’s nothing like an IPSB massage,‘ and that we would hear feedback from clients reflecting this because many clients can recognize when healing touch is given with the consciousness of both body and spirit.
I am happy to report that the responses I have gotten from my work have reflected the prediction. Other therapists trained at The Institute for Psycho-Structural Balancing have mentioned similar findings to me.
You can check out the website for The Institute for Psycho-Structural Balancing by clicking here.
And if you decide to visit IPSB or study there, let them know that you found out about them from Leslie in Pasadena at www.full-body-massage-online.com.