
The information on this website is based upon research and personal and professional experience of the author. The information is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. The writer is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions preparations, or proceedures discussed on this website. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care provider.

You (the reader) understands that this information is only intended for educational use and entertainment purposes and that you (the reader) are responsible for any and all behavior, reactions, effects resulting from following any advice on this website. Using this information is at your (the reader’s) risk and discretion.

The statements on this website have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA does not recognize the practice of aromatherapy. Please go to the http://www.fda.gov to find more information.

Neither www.full-body-massage-online.com nor its affiliates, writers or webmasters shall be responsible for the use of such technical information, or of any product, method, or apparatus described on this web site.

No responsibility by www.full-body-massage-online.com, its employees, shareholders, webmasters, authors or affiliates, is taken for the use or misuse in any way of the information provided herein.

Essential oils, massage and other “alternative treatments” are not meant to be used as a substitute for “mainstream” healthcare professionals or their diagnoses and/or prescriptions. None of the information provided is meant to act as a medical advice, prescription or therapeutic advice.

No product mentioned on www.full-body-massage-online.com is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No liability is taken by www.full-body-massage-online.com or its employees, webmasters, authors, shareholders or affiliates for any claims arising out of the misuse or otherwise of essential oils or any www.full-body-massage-online.com product.

Always keep all essential oils and essential oil products out of the reach of children.

Always seek the advice of a health professional before using any essential oils or receiving massage, especially if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, have heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure or diabetes.

Also, keep all essential oils away from eyes and mucous membranes. If redness, burning, itching or irritation occur, stop using product immediately and consult your medical provider.

If an essential oil stings or feels too strong on the skin, we have found that irritation, burning, redness, and/or itching from some essential oil can be somewhat relieved by applying copious amounts of vegetable oil, not water, to the effected area. Consult your physician for the official word. Always dilute essential oils before using. Do not ingest.